Wednesday, March 31, 2010

names, names, names

I am so frustrated with trying to pick out a beautiful name for this wonderful addition to our family. I mean certainly it is fun at first, but I just don't have the personality for it.
I can barely decide what I want to eat off the menu when the waitress comes by (for the fourth time). There are just too many good things to choose from and I am just too horribly indecisive.
But when it comes to picking out the name of my own child that I will love the rest of my life, I might as well give up. You might be thinking, "don't stress you still have 100 days, thats plenty of time". But I've been thinking about names for months and the list hasn't gotten any shorter it hasn't even gotten any longer, it hasn't even stayed the same. It is conitinually morphing like it has a life of its own. And where is Jared in all this, well he's "fine" with any of the names we've picked out. Does that mean he's excited about any of the names, NO. He's completely unreadable.
Anyway new to the list
Enjoli (ahn jol E)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hurray!! I finally got my new floors. I am so excited! They are a light colored maple laminate floor and the house is going to look great. Now all we need to do is install it. 1,600 square feet of it. Yikes! Thankfully my Mom is coming to help with the installation. She did her floors when they moved from CA. Its going to be so much work, but I can't wait!

I certainly hope I will be able to post pictures soon, but we'll see.